The Forgotten Shadows
A Fan-Film setting after the events of the series Stranger Things Season 3. Early Winter, 1985. Presumed dead by the world, Jim Hopper finds himself trapped in a secret Russian gulag. Haunted by visions of his past, Hopper struggles to survive days after days in the Pot'ma camp. Until Dmitri Antonov, a guard also tormented by his own demons, offers him a chance to escape. The Winter Purge is forthcoming.
Jerome Legeron
James Hopper
Noemie Legeron
Joyce Byers
Laurent Legeron
Dmitri Antonov
Salome Legeron
Bruno Lorillard
Piotr Azarov
Guillaume Lorillard
Lonnie Byers
Benjamin Guillemin
Veronique Lorillard
Tania (the cook) / Prisoner
Baptiste Lorillard
Chloe Lorillard