Ultraman: The Adventure Begins

The lives of three stunt pilots (Scott, Chuck, and Beth) are changed when they gain the ability to transform into three new Ultra-beings, and form the Ultra Force, to battle four giant Sorkin Monsters.

Release Date: 1987-10-12

ActionAdventureAnimationScience Fiction
(6 votes)


Adrienne Barbeau

Beth O'Brien

Chad Everett

Chuck Gavin

Michael Lembeck

Scott Masterson

Charlie Adler

Utiloid Model ZQ14582 (Andy)

Ronnie Schell

Combot Model BA666 (Samson)

William Callaway

Combot Model MF842 (Ulysses)

Lorna Patterson

Dr. Susan Rand

Ed Gilbert

General Cooper

Les Tremayne

Dr. Philby

Mark L. Taylor

Mark Watkins

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