In different parts of Tokyo, four young and seemingly healthy people suddenly die of heart failure at exactly the same moment. Reporter Kazuyuki Asakawa decides to investigate the deaths, and discovers that the four had stayed at a rural inn together just a week earlier. At the inn, he comes across a strange video that ends with a message saying that anyone who watches it will die exactly seven days later. Now the clock is ticking for Asakawa. Can he break the curse in time?
Release Date: 1995-08-11
Katsunori Takahashi
Kazuyuki Asakawa
Ayane Miura
Sadako Yamamura
Mai Tachihara
Shizuka Asakawa
Maha Hamada
Mai Takano
Tomorowo Taguchi
Jotaro Nagao
Akiko Hinagata
Tomoko Ôishi
Takayuki Godai
Copy Editor
Shigeyuki Nakamura
Akira Sakamoto
Taxi Driver
Kyoko Donowaki
Shizuko Yamamura