Tales of a Eunuch
The story follows a "loveable" rascal as he gambles and gets into various bits of trouble with outlaws and rebels. He eventually gets into a situation where he has to impersonate the eunuch servant of an elderly eunuch who is an evil martial art master. This gets the rascal involved with the emperor who is studying martial arts. The whole movie revolves around a quest for all the copies of a special Buddhist text.
Release Date: 1983-03-24
Wong Yu
Siu Bao / Siu Guei Tzu
Ku Feng
Eunuch Hai
Choh Seung-Wan
Yau Chui-Ling
Mau 18's Sister
Lung Tien-Hsiang
Ngo Siu Bo
Susan Shaw Yam-Yam
Chuen Fa
Kwan Fung
Mau 18
Chun Wong
Gordon Liu Chia-Hui
Emperor / Siu Yuen Tzu
Hsiao Yu
Jong Dan Kung