Vienna, 1922. Due to a sudden financial tragedy, a young woman begins accepting checks from an older, rich gentleman for companionship in order for her to keep attending college. Their relationship is purely platonic, but eventually she begins a romance with the tutor of the older man's sons who has a completely wrong impression as to the nature of her arrangement with his employer.
Release Date: 1935-10-31
Paula Wessely
Valerie Gärtner
Karl Ludwig Diehl
Lehrer Kinz
Georg Tressler
Eugen, sein Sohn
Friedl Czepa
Mizzi Maranek
Walter Janssen
Dr. Steidler - Rechtsanwalt
Rosa Albach-Retty
Frau Gärtner, Valeries Mutter
Fritz Imhoff
Poldi Dur