Pengantin Pantai Biru

The archaeological expedition ship a disaster, Prof. Rashid and his grandson Andrew Hasnan separately. While stranded on an island , Andri met oom Bram (I Wiyono) with her daughter, Emi. The three of them live together, Emi and Andri until adulthood (Meriam Bellina and Sandro Tobing). Once Emi and Andri caught primitive tribes . They are regarded as the god and goddess who descended to earth. In order to get the seed of Gods and Goddesses, primitive tribes and Andri Emi force to mate with their children. Rejected the request, Emi and Andri desperate to escape. Oom Bram managed to intercept the pursuit of the quarter, although ultimately he was killed. During his hiding, Emi and Andrew fell in love and eventually get a son who they named Ami. Primitive tribes continue to look for them. At critical moments, father Andri (Darussalam) and his entourage came to the rescue.

Release Date: 2010-09-23

(1 votes)


Cathrine Wilson


Uli Auliani


Keith Foo


Cynthiara Alona


Cinta Dewi


Debby Ayu


Kanz Randhawa

Andi (Suami Emily)

Torro Margens


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