Haunted by memories of his ex-girlfriend Alice, a heartbroken Billy returns home to Northern Virginia seeking solace from old friends. But what he finds there is more disconcerting: his best friend Stanley has become unstable, mysterious and withdrawn from those around him. Billy teams up with another old friend to find out what's going on and as they probe Stanley's recent activities, their friend's behaviour seems more and more bizarre and frightening.
Release Date: 2010-10-22
Official website: http://www.kalamitymovie.com/
Nick Stahl
Billy Klepack
Jonathan Jackson
Stanley Keller
Christopher M. Clark
Christian Phillips
Beau Garrett
Robert Forster
Tom Klepack
Alona Tal
Patricia Kalember
Terry Klepack
Samantha Hanratty
Barbie Klepack
Jill Latiano Howerton
Yvonne Erickson
Middle Aged Woman