
A revenge drama, which revolves around two families based out of London. One family which plans an elaborate countryside wedding and the other is a violent criminal family of moneylenders. Amidst a week-long function, both these worlds collide. A past secret sparks an incident of violence - in turn changing all their lives drastically.

Release Date: 2020-10-29

(8 votes)

Official website: https://www.zee5.com/movies/details/taish-the-movie/0-0-246113


Harshvardhan Rane

Pali Brar

Jim Sarbh

Rohan Kalra

Pulkit Samrat

Sunny Lalwani

Kriti Kharbanda

Arfa Sayeed Khan

Sanjeeda Sheikh

Jahaan Brar

Abhimanyu Singh

Kuljinder Brar

Saurabh Sachdeva


Zoa Morani


Ankur Rathee

Krish Kalra

Saloni Batra

Sanobar Brar

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