Midnight Mass
On Christmas Eve, 1944, in Nazi-occupied Slovakia, the Kubiš family grapples with survival amidst brutal reprisals. Marián collaborates as a fascist guard leader, while his sister Angela has an affair with their Nazi lodger, Major Brecker. The situation escalates when their younger son, Juraj, a former partisan fighter, returns home wounded. As Germans search homes for escapees, Juraj hides in the attic, while an unsettling Christmas dinner unfolds below with Major Brecker present.
Release Date: 1962-08-24
Hana Meličková
Vilma Kubisová
Jozef Kroner
Valentin Kubis
Margit Bara
Hannjo Hasse
Ladislav Chudík
Karol Machata
Marián Kubis
Emília Vášáryová
Katka Malishova
Ivan Mistrík
Durko Kubis
Jindřich Narenta
Vladimír Šmeral