The Joy Of A Nation
A Kuwaiti social comedy play presented to the leaders of the Gulf states at the Gulf Summit in 1985, which was written by Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Ridha, a satirical play that discusses family issues, family bonding and religious extremism, the play talks about the loss of children and the home, neglect of parents, and who is responsible for that.
Release Date: 1984-02-25
AbdulHusain AbdulRedha
(عبدالغفور (أبو زيد
Soad Abdullah
أم سامي
Ghanem Al-Saleh
Mariam Al-Saleh
Aisha Ibrahim
أم علي
Ahmad Al-Saleh
أبو سامي
Ibrahim Al-Sallal
الملا المطوع
Esteqlal Ahmad
Abdullrahman Al Aqel
Dawood Hussein