A Creepshow Animated Special
Two animated tales of terror: “Survivor Type,” a man determined to stay alive alone on a deserted island no matter what the cost. “Twittering from the Circus of the Dead,” a teen's family road trip includes a visit to the gravest show on earth.
Release Date: 2020-10-29
Official website: https://www.shudder.com/movies/watch/a-creepshow-animated-special/aef46f918b1c73ca
Joey King
Blake (segment “Twittering from the Circus of the Dead”) (voice)
Fayna Sanchez
Gloria (segment "Survivor Type) (voice) / Ringmistress (segment "Twittering from the Circus of the Dead) (voice)
Kiefer Sutherland
Richard (segment "Survivor Type") (voice)
Mason Pike
Park Goer (uncredited)