Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds

France, 17th century, under the reign of Louis XIII. Dogtanian is an impetuous and innocent peasant from Gascony, as well as a skilled swordsman, who travels to Paris with the purpose of making his dream come true: to join the Corps of Muskehounds of the Royal Guard.

Release Date: 2021-06-25

(114 votes)

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Gloria Cámara

Dogtanian's Mother / Queen Anne's Lady-in-Waiting (voice)

Ana Esther Alborg

Juliette (voice)

Luis Bajo

Rochefort (voice)

Carlos Kaniowsky

Treville (voice)

Juan Perucho

Dogos / Muskehound #2 (voice)

Abraham Aguilar

King Louis XIII (voice)

Vicente Gil

Widimer (voice)

Mario Gas

Captain Mixtolobo (voice)

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