A small, seemingly innocuous plastic reel of film leads surveillance specialist Tom Welles down an increasingly dark and frightening path. With the help of the streetwise Max, he relentlessly follows a bizarre trail of evidence to determine the fate of a complete stranger. As his work turns into obsession, he drifts farther and farther away from his wife, family and simple life as a small-town PI.

Release Date: 1999-02-26

(2023 votes)


Nicolas Cage

Tom Welles

Joaquin Phoenix

Max California

James Gandolfini

Eddie Poole

Peter Stormare

Dino Velvet

Anthony Heald

Daniel Longdale

Chris Bauer

George Higgins

Catherine Keener

Amy Welles

Myra Carter

Mrs. Christian

Amy Morton

Janet Mathews

Norman Reedus

Warren Anderson

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