The Art of Silence
The first documentary about the legendary mime Marcel Marceau. He inspired several generations of artists, including his grandson and his family, who shed new light on his life’s work.
Release Date: 2022-05-05
Official website:
Marcel Marceau
Himself (archive)
The Mime of Etienne Decroux
Desorden en la vía pública
Meyerhold's theatre and biomechanics
Jeppy Bass
Children of Paradise
Sing Along With Rod, Jane and Freddy In A Winter Wonderland
You Missed a Spot
Mime Your Manners
...In with the New
Mr. Plastimime
Silent Movie
Tour Eiffel
Mime Sublime
The Art of Silence: The Cage
The Art of Silence: Youth Maturity Old Age and Death
The Caricature
The Caricature: Residuum
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