At Home with the Braithwaites
At Home with the Braithwaites is a British comedy-drama television series, created and written by Sally Wainwright. The storyline follows a suburban family from Leeds, whose life is turned upside down when the mother of the family wins 38 million pounds on the lottery. It was broadcast on ITV, for 26 episodes, from 20 January 2000 to 9 April 2003. At the beginning of the first series, each member of the Braithwaite family has an issue. Alison has to decide what to do with the winnings, and when to tell her family. David is having an affair with Elaine, his secretary at work. Virginia is on the verge of flunking out of university. Sarah has a crush on her drama teacher. Charlotte suspects that her mother may be the mystery lottery winner.
Last Episode Date: 2003-04-09
Peter Davison
David Braithwaite
Amanda Redman
Alison Braithwaite
Sarah Churm
Sarah Braithwaite
Sarah Smart
Virginia Braithwaite
Ishia Bennison
Denise Skidmore
Julie Graham
Megan Hartnoll
Kevin Doyle
Mike Hartnoll
Sylvia Syms
Marion Riley
Lynda Bellingham
Pauline Farnell