Orleans is a short-lived American drama series that aired on CBS from January 7, 1997 through April 10, 1997. It ran for only 8 episodes. The series was said to be inspired by the experiences of creater producer Toni Graphia, who was the daughter of a Louisiana judge.
Last Episode Date: 1997-04-11
Larry Hagman
Judge Luther Charbonnet
Michael Reilly Burke
Jesse Charbonnet
Vanessa Bell Calloway
Rosalee Clark
Melora Hardin
Gina Vitelli
Richard Fancy
Vincent Carraze
Cotter Smith
Bill Brennecke
Charles Durning
Frank Vitelli
Brett Cullen
Clade Charbonnet
Jerry Hardin
Leon Gillenwater
O'Neal Compton
Curtis Manzant