A political drama set in Bihar of 1990's, this story shows how an illiterate woman handles the state as Chief Minister. Rani Bharti's life takes an interesting turn when her husband Bheem Singh Bharti, announces her as the next chief minister of Bihar. With casteism and traditional satraps in the background, will Rani survive this turn of events?
Last Episode Date: 2024-03-07
Official website:
Huma Qureshi
Rani Bharti
Sohum Shah
Bheema Bharti
Amit Sial
Naveen Kumar
Kani Kusruti
Kaveri Sreedharan
Pramod Pathak
Mishra Ji
Vineet Kumar
Gauri Shankar Pandey
Anuja Sathe
Kirti Singh
Dibyendu Bhattacharya
Martin Ekka