Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series
Puckworld is home to a race of hockey-loving humanoid ducks. When the sinister Dragaunus takes over the planet, a band of determined rebels, The Mighty Ducks, manage to chase him from the planet. During the fight, they are caught in a dimensional portal and end up stranded in Anaheim, CA. The Ducks form a hockey team and build a secret base under the Anaheim Pond so they can continue to fight Dragaunus and hopefully find a way home.
Last Episode Date: 1997-01-10
Jeff Bennett
Duke (voice)
Brad Garrett
Grin (voice)
Jennifer Hale
Mallory (voice)
Steve Mackall
Nosedive (voice)
April Winchell
Tanya (voice)
Ian Ziering
Wildwing (voice)
Dennis Franz
Klegghorn (voice)
Clancy Brown
Siege (voice)
Jim Belushi
Phil (voice)
Tim Curry
Lord Dragaunus (voice)