Opposite Lives

Opposite Lives tells the story of Miguel (Leo Rosa), a young rich man of a traditional family, and Joana (Maytê Piragibe), a student and tourist guide who lives in a slum. Although dating an elegant and rich fashion designer, Erínia (Lavínia Vlasak), Miguel and Joana fall in love for each other and they decide to get married.

Last Episode Date: 2007-08-27

DramaAction & AdventureSoap
(1 votes)

Official website: http://entretenimento.r7.com/vidas-opostas


Maytê Piragibe

Joana de Souza

Léo Rosa

Miguel Campobello

Heitor Martinez

Jacson da Silva

Lavínia Vlasak

Erínia Oliveira e Mello

Marcelo Serrado

Delegado Dênis Nogueira / Nogueira

Lucinha Lins

Ísis Campobello

Nicola Siri

Bóris Sanches

Tássia Camargo

Lucília de Souza

Jussara Freire

Carmem Laranjeira

Raul Gazolla

Inspetor Hélio Nunes

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