The story reimagines Yoshiko Tsushima, the school idol afflicted with chuunibyou (adolescent delusions of grandeur), as a magical girl. The story is set in Numazu, a scenic harbor town surrounded by the sea and mountains. Ever since she was little, the girl Yohane has never fit in, and has always felt apart from everyone in town. Her aspirations and true place in this world lie elsewhere. The story follows this girl who can't follow rules as she journeys into the mysterious world.
Last Episode Date: 2023-09-24
Official website: http://www.yohane.net
Aika Kobayashi
Yohane (voice)
Yoko Hikasa
Lailaps (voice)
Kanako Takatsuki
Hanamaru (voice)
Arisa Komiya
Dia (voice)
Ai Furihata
Ruby (voice)
Anju Inami
Chika (voice)
Shuka Saito
You (voice)
Nanaka Suwa
Kanan (voice)
Rikako Aida
Riko (voice)
Aina Suzuki
Mari (voice)