Mysterious creatures have been terrorizing an island, forcing locals to flee their once-thriving home. With government funds lacking for monster eradication, Tajima purchases the only construction company left and transforms it for the task. Thankfully, the brilliant Testuro Okino and his new robot, Bullbuster, come to their aid. But the team is on a tight budget. Can they save the island?

Last Episode Date: 2023-12-20

AnimationSci-Fi & FantasyAction & Adventure
(5 votes)

Official website: https://bullbuster.jp


Shoya Chiba

Tetsurō Okino (voice)

Asami Seto

Arumi Nikaidō (voice)

Shin'ichirō Miki

Kōji Tajima (voice)

Yuuki Takada

Miyuki Shirogane (voice)


Kintarō Kataoka (voice)

Taiten Kusunoki

Ginnosuke Mutō (voice)

Yuma Uchida

Shūichi Namari (voice)

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