Hajime Madoka is a special accountant police officer, who has been dispatched from the central government office, to work at the local police station on a “special mission” in order to reduce expenditure as part of the austerity budget. Her meticulous personality and attention to detail means she doesn’t miss even the slightest discrepancies in numbers. Her various proposals to reduce expenses during the investigations causes chaos for the detectives as she tends to approach cases with the unusual mindset of “cutting costs” while reaching the same outcome.
Last Episode Date: 2023-12-25
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Kanna Hashimoto
Hajime Madoka
Ikki Sawamura
Yukawa Tetsuro
Jiro Sato
Suga Ango
Marika Matsumoto
Todo Sayuri
Otake Kosuke
Kentaro Maeda
Tsukimura Hisashi
Satoshi Tokushige
Nakanishi Sho