
Reunion is an American television series that aired on FOX in late 2005. The series was intended to chronicle 20 years in the lives of a group of six high school friends from Bedford, New York, with each episode following one year in the lives of the six, beginning with their high school graduation year 1986. Each episode also featured scenes in the present where Detective Marjorino is investigating the brutal murder of one of the group during the night of their 20-year class reunion in 2006. The identity of the murder victim was not revealed until the fifth episode, "1990". Due to low ratings, the series was canceled after only nine episodes, and the identity of the killer remained unrevealed in the aired episodes.

Last Episode Date: 2005-12-15

(6 votes)


Dave Annable

Aaron Lewis

Amanda Righetti

Jenna Moretti

Alexa Davalos

Samantha Carlton

Chyler Leigh

Carla Noll

Will Estes

Will Malloy

Mathew St. Patrick

Detective Kenneth Marjorino

Sean Faris

Craig Brewster

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