In a captivating fairytale, Li Qingyue, a powerful immortal blessed by the Four Spirits, and Bai Jiusi, a revered master of Dacheng, find themselves drawn together. However, a cruel twist of fate leads to a misunderstanding that ignites a heartbreaking conflict, even resulting in their demise. But destiny is not done with them yet. Granted a second chance, they mend their broken bond and join forces as champions. Together, the immortal and the master unite to protect the innocent from a looming threat.
Official website: https://www.iqiyi.com/v_q11rpybjlg.html
Bai Lu
Li Qingyue / Hua Ruyue
Joseph Zeng
Bai Jiusi
He Ruixian
Fang Ling'er
Chen Xinhai
Zhang Suan
Liang Yongqi
Li Mo
Zheng Kai
Meng Chu
Huang Yi
Qing Yang