Maebashi Witches

The story, set in Maebashi city in Gunma Prefecture, is about the coming-of-age story of five high school girls. First year high school student Yuina Akagi lives an ordinary but unsatisfying everyday life. One day, a mysterious frog named Keroppe scouts her and four other girls to become the "Maebashi Witches." Suddenly, a room closet is connected to a mysterious space that brings the girls to a magical flower shop where they sing, dance, and make other people's wishes come true.

AnimationSci-Fi & Fantasy

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Sakura Kasuga

Yuina Akagi (voice)

Hinano Sakikawa

Azu Niisato (voice)

Rena Motomura

Kyoka Kitahara (voice)

Haruka Minami

Choco Mitsumata (voice)

Tomokazu Sugita

Keroppe (voice)

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