Inspector Montalbano

Inspector Montalbano is an Italian television series produced and broadcast by RAI since 1999, based on the detective novels of Andrea Camilleri. The protagonist is Commissario Salvo Montalbano, and the stories are set in the imaginary town of Vigata, Sicily. In 2012 the series generated a prequel, Il giovane Montalbano.

Last Episode Date: 2020-03-16

Action & AdventureCrimeMysteryDrama
(63 votes)

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Luca Zingaretti

Salvo Montalbano

Peppino Mazzotta

Giuseppe Fazio

Angelo Russo


Cesare Bocci

Domenico "Mimì" Augello

Marcello Perracchio

Dottor Pasquano

Davide Lo Verde

Agente Galluzzo

Roberto Nobile

Nicolò Zito

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