Hiyas is an Philippine romantic-drama TV series aired by ABS-CBN that premiered on May 28, 2012 replacing Wako Wako on its Kapamilya Gold timeslot. The series is based on the Filipino romance pocket book Silang, The Fierce Warrior by Sofia. It is the 15th installment of the Precious Hearts Romances series. The series was marked for the third year anniversary installment of the Precious Hearts Romances television adaptations for giving Three Years of Many Top Rating Serials and is the first adaptation to have a Fantasy Action Adventure for Television under 'Precious Hearts Romances' television distribution.
Last Episode Date: 2012-07-13
Official website: http://www.phrtv.multiply.com/
Zanjoe Marudo
Megan Young
Sapphire Salvador
Mercedes Cabral
John Arcilla
Donato Salvador
Tetchie Agbayani
Elizabeth Salvador
Jong Cuenco
David Zaragoza
Angel Jacob
Rina Zaragoza
Nonie Buencamino
Allan Paule