
Yuu Haruna, a loner and an avid Twitter user, has just transferred to a new school in Tokyo. He ends up befriending a unique high school girl named Fuuka Akitsuki, despite some initial conflict, and the two wind up forming a band together with their classmates. Their relationship becomes strained however when Koyuki Hinashi, Yuu's childhood friend who has become a popular idol, contacts Yuu on Twitter and attempts to rekindle long lost feelings.

Last Episode Date: 2017-03-17

(39 votes)

Official website: http://www.fuuka.tv/



Akitsuki Fuuka (voice)

Saori Hayami

Hinashi Koyuki (voice)

Yusuke Kobayashi

Haruna Yuu (voice)

Soma Saito

Mikasa Makoto (voice)

Mikako Komatsu

Iwami Sara (voice)

Kazuyuki Okitsu

Nachi Kazuya (voice)

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