Princess Maison

A story revolves around a 26-year-old single woman Sachi who lives in Tokyo working for a pub. She frequents a show house alone as she plans to buy a home of her own. She looks around the room seriously and asks incisive questions to the attendants. Through her house hunt, we can catch a glimpse of what the modern Japanese women truly want.

Last Episode Date: 2016-12-13

(1 votes)

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Aoi Morikawa

Sachi Numagoe

Issey Takahashi

Seiichi Date

Hana Hizuki

Michiko Kaname

Jun Shison

Naoto Okuda

Mimi Maihane

Marie Akutsu

Makiko Watanabe

Fumi Nakamori

Hana Kino

Nagare Igawa

Misako Watanabe

Akane Todo

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