
TekWar is a North American television series, based on the TekWar novels ghost-written by Ron Goulart from outlines by William Shatner and developed for television by Stephen Roloff. The series follows Jake Cardigan, a former police officer turned private investigator working for Cosmos, a private security firm owned and operated by Walter Bascom. The series was broadcast in Canada on CTV and in the United States on USA Network and the Sci Fi Channel. The series, which was a co-production between Atlantis Films and Universal Television premiered on January 17, 1994 and ended on February 9, 1996.

Last Episode Date: 1996-02-09

Sci-Fi & FantasyAction & AdventureCrime
(16 votes)


William Shatner

Walter H. Bascom

Greg Evigan

Jake Cardigan

Maria del Mar

Lt. Sam Houston

Maurice Dean Wint


Eugene Clark

Sid Gomez

Lexa Doig


Torri Higginson

Beth Kittridge

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